

Tasmania CPP51122 Diploma of Property (Agency Management)

This course requires the completion of 12 units of competency. Successful completion of this course, CPP51122 Diploma of Property [Agency Management], meets the educational requirements needed for application to the Tasmania Property Agents Board for a Real Estate Licence or Property Manager Licence. Applicants must also be able to demonstrate that they meet all other application requirements as set out by the Tasmania Property Agents Board.

Real Estate Licence issued by Tasmania Property Agents Board will allow you to work as a licensed real estate agent in a sales, leasing, business broking, or stock and station role. You may run your own agency and hire sales representatives to work under your supervision.

Property Manager Licence issued by Tasmania Property Agents Board will allow you to work as a licensed real estate agent in a property management role.

A formal diploma qualification and transcript of results are issued to students upon successful course completion.



Continuing Professional Development (CPD)