

Northern Territory Agent’s Representative Registration (unrestricted) (CPP41419 Certificate IV in Real Estate Practice)

An unrestricted Agent's Representative Registration (sales and property management) issued by the NT Agents Licensing Board will allow you to be employed by a licensed real estate agent in a sales, leasing, business broking, or stock and station role.

This course requires the completion of 18 units of competency. Successful completion of this course (CPP41419 Certificate IV in Real Estate Practice) will provide you with the prescribed training requirements needed for application to the NT Agents Licensing Board for an unrestricted Agent's Representative Registration (Sales and Property Management).



Northern Territory Agent's Representative Registration (sales functions)

An Agent's Representative Registration (restricted to sales functions) issued by the Northern Territory Agents Licensing Board will allow you to be employed by a licensed real estate agent in a sales, business broking or stock and station role.

This course requires the completion of 11 units of competency. Successful completion of this course will provide you with the prescribed training requirements needed for application to the NT Agents Licensing Board for an Agent's Representative Registration restricted to sales functions.



Northern Territory Agent's Representative Registration (property management)

An Agent's Representative Registration (restricted to property management) issued by the Northern Territory Agents Licensing Board will allow you to be employed by a licensed real estate agent in a property management role.

This course requires the completion of 14 units of competency. Successful completion of this course will provide you with the prescribed training requirements needed for application to the NT Agents Licensing Board for an Agent's Representative Registration restricted to property management functions.