October 2023 Newsletter

October 2023 Newsletter

3 October 2023

Newsletter snapshot:

  • Industry updates: Consumer Affairs Victoria warns against failure to audit trust accounts // Queensland Residential Tenancies Authority (RTA) continues to encourage tenants to enquire about outstanding bonds // Commercial news: Commercial real estate sector primed for strong growth in 2024, experts predict.

  • Disciplinary action: Victorian estate agent facing disciplinary action for poor conduct // Former Victorian estate agent convicted over illegal transfers of client funds // Western Australia Consumer Protection urges tenants to report racist behaviour after agent reprimanded and suspended // NSW Fair Trading publishes results from underquoting compliance inspections, confirms $52,800 in fines issued.

  • Legislative changes: Tasmanian agents, have your say on proposed changes to the Tasmanian Civil and Administrative Tribunal legislation by 4 October 2023.

  • NSW CPD updates: NSW Class 2 and Class 1 licensees can now complete their CPD training with us online!

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Tasmanian agents, have your say on changes to your state's Civil and Administrative Tribunal legislation

Tasmanian agents, have your say on changes to your state's Civil and Administrative Tribunal legislation

7 September 2023

Community consultation has commenced with regard to proposed changes to the way Tasmania’s Civil and Administrative Tribunal (TASCAT) operates. Since its inception in 2020, the Tasmanian Government has identified various changes to legislation “that would improve TASCAT’s procedures and make the Tribunal more efficient”.

Consultation closes at midnight on Wednesday 4 October 2023. Agents in Tasmania may be interested in lodging a submission around the proposed amendments under the Tasmanian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 2023.

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Tasmanian agent has licence suspended, ordered to pay a total of $12,500

Tasmanian agent has licence suspended, ordered to pay a total of $12,500

16 November 2022

The Property Agents Board of Tasmania (‘The Board’) has published a recent tribunal decision on their website this month. The redacted tribunal outcome details disciplinary action taken against an agent for improper operation as a licensed property agent while engaged to manage the rental properties of four separate clients.

The Board’s complaints against the property agent relate to “conduct not of a reasonable standard of competence and diligence,” and claim that the agent was guilty of ‘professional misconduct’ and ‘unsatisfactory professional conduct’ as defined under section 83 of the Property Agents and Land Transactions Act 2016.

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November 2022 Newsletter

November 2022 Newsletter

4 November 2022

Newsletter snapshot:

  • Site-wide discount code!

  • Industry updates: NSW Fair Trading inspectors targeting strata manager supervision requirements.

  • Reminder: WA CPD due 31 December.

  • Featured blog: Let’s talk about subletting.

  • New courses available: Registration and licensing courses for Tasmania and Northern Territory.

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