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ACT and NSW CPD for NSW Class 1 Licence (Real Estate) - includes GST
ACT and NSW CPD for NSW Class 1 Licence (Real Estate) - includes GST
Price includes GST.
NSW - complete 9 hours of 2022-2023 CPD:
3 hours Compulsory topics
3 hours Elective topics
3 hours Business Skills topics
ACT - complete 12 CPD points:
Category 2 CPD (4 points) - this element is completed in NSW Elective CPD topics
Category 3 CPD/individual licence module (8 points)
CPD due dates
NSW Fair Trading requires NSW CPD to be completed by 22 March each year.
Access Canberra requires ACT CPD to be completed by:
30 June each year, for licensees
31 October each year, for registration holders.
Please note that the CPP07 training package extension provided for ACT units ends on 30 June 2022. This means students must submit CPPDSM Category 3 units for assessment by 31 May 2022.