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National Association of Renters' Organisations launches report on principles for strengthening renters’ rights

26 October 2023

The National Association of Renters' Organisations (NARO) has launched The National Nine: Principles for Strengthening Renters' Rights – a briefing report providing expert guidance on the principles for strengthening renters’ rights in Australia.

In launching the report, a webinar event was held to give an overview of the report’s key recommendations and included a panel conversation. The topics discussed explored the challenges experienced by renters as renter advocacy groups and industry bodies seek solutions and identify priorities for a national tenancy reform agenda.

Speakers at the webinar included:

  • Trina Jones, NSW Rental Commissioner

  • Heather Holst, Victorian Rental Commissioner

  • Melisa Coveney, Darwin Community Legal Services

  • Daniel Pritchard, Circle Green Community Legal, Western Australia

  • Peter Mares, leading researcher and writer on the housing crisis